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  • Cardamom Optical Colour Sorter

    Cardamom Optical Colour Sorter

    Techik Cardamom Optical Colour Sorter

    Techik Cardamom Optical Colour Sorter is a type of machine or equipment used in the food processing industry to sort cardamom seeds based on their color. Cardamom is a popular spice that comes in various colors, including green, brown, and black, and the color of the cardamom seeds can be an indicator of their quality and ripeness.

  • Red Green Yellow Dry Pepper Chilli Color Sorting Machine

    Red Green Yellow Dry Pepper Chilli Color Sorting Machine

    Techik Red Green Yellow Dry Pepper Chilli Color Sorting Machine

    Techik Red Green Yellow Dry Pepper Chilli Color Sorting Machine is is a type of optical sorting machine that is specifically designed for sorting peppers based on their color. Techik Red Green Yellow Dry Pepper Chilli Color Sorting Machine uses advanced optical sensors and software to accurately detect and separate peppers based on their color characteristics. Techik Red Green Yellow Dry Pepper Chilli Color Sorting Machine are commonly used in the food processing industry to ensure consistent color quality and remove defective or discolored peppers from the production process.